• 23 Feb, 2025

Three Years of Community Cleaning and Views Exchange of Seraji Foundation

Seraji Foundation e.V., BASUG Germany, House of Integration, Our Voice, Die Grenze and German-Bangladesh Association Cologne-Bonn e.V. have been implementing community cleaning events continuously for three years in Bonn.

The community cleaning events have been appreciated by the local people living in Duisdorf and Bad Godesberg, as this event has been organised mainly in these two suburban areas in the city of Bonn. Every last Sunday of the month, the volunteers and neighbours come together and conduct the community cleaning, when they find mostly rest of the cigaretts, chockolate packs, juice packs, empty bottles, empty packets, tissue paper, masks and broken pieces of glasses and plastic items. 

The participants have always different experiences from these events. They divide themselves in a pair and go to some specific direction to collect garbage from the road side vicinity and corners, which are quite unreachable for the paid staff of the city cleaning agency. That is why, local volunteers of these organisations have initiated this noble work to save the nature, environment and earth from the negative impact of the plastic and other garbage.